Dear Living,
I think I may have mentioned here, once, the kind of bolt you get sometimes, a sort of jolt of joy, out of nowhere; you might even be taking out the trash. It's a feeling I might call happiness, but with extra euphoria sauce and a cherry on top. In any case, one day I may write more on this frisson thing that sometimes happens. I know for certain that I have mentioned my new best friend Viv Albertine? I put 19 post-it notes into To Throw Away Unopened, and one of them was stuck on a Jenny Diski quote. Now, Jenny is a gal I am not yet very familiar with. I tried to read (I really did try!) The Golden Notebooks, and I swear to you on a stack of fifty unread books, I will try again! Anyhoo, Doris Lessing was a sort of mother/(tor)mentor to Jenny Diski, who, in whatever it was I read, was said to be a difficult woman. Jenny D., I mean, and yes, Doris L. was fabulously difficult too. And I want to know them, as role models for my own emergent (dormant? latent? consistent? continual?) difficultness.
All this horizontal & lateral introduction and introspection, just to get you to here, a little thing that Jenny Diski wrote on happiness.
If you want a song for today, a 'happy' song, you can choose one from here, if you like. I don't think I want to tell you how to get happy. Although, I will give you Get Happy, side A, and side B.