Thursday, July 22, 2021

Hey, Sugar!


EVOLUTION  (2014) Brendan Jamison and Mark Revels.

250,000 sugar cubes. 130 x 480 x 360 cms.

Sugar Hill Museum of Art and Storytelling, Harlem, NYC

Dear Sweet,

It's been a long time between recipes here, but here is one I hope you will try:  Butter Mochi Cake, from Hawaii.  Whenever you read the words "from Hawaii" you are bound to bust out in sugary jingle song (if you had a television in the 1970's, anyway- and yes, I am aware of the destructive colonizing power of the sugar trade, but I am offering you this cake and this jingle with apologies for all of it).  When you are done singing, watch this tour of a C & H sugar factory, and then get back to your baking, if you choose to.  Or, watch another old ad for sugar, if you like.