Saturday, December 7, 2019
Fresh Pavement Society
Dear Skating Members,
It's high time for another roller post. This summer I bought some used rink rental skates from a place in Texas, and the episodic skating society, Planet Claire, is going pretty well. We have 7 pairs of skates to loan out to anyone with socks that arrives at the meetings. Eventually, I hope to grow the seven pairs into a horse trailer filled with rental skates, which will prowl the sidewalks of summertime beach towns. There will be pink. You won't miss it. After the trailer, the ultimate goal: a rink of my own. Which will feature more pink, and a record player, among other things.
In the meantime, I have been dreaming of a second skating group: the Fresh Pavement Society!
We would need to be fast, and nimble in our communications. A member would note the location and co-ordinates of the new pavement, and skaters would meet, or not meet, as long as the pavement was fresh. I think it could function easily world wide.
Another skater and I have proven the concept in a parking lot and on a 1/4 mile section of new asphalt road. The new macadam is flat and rubble free! I have my eye on some other new parking lots too- once the cars get all over them and the dreary chain stores open up, there will be less opportunity to skate. That's why we need this fast communication and a large network of skaters reporting on new pavement in their area.
Here is a little film of a thing called the Barrel Roll. Let's meet at some fresh pavement and do it together soon!