Friday, April 12, 2019
jumping jehoshaphat
Dear Jumping,
I remember when I first tried to lift both skates off the ground at once, a tiny jump, on my 40th birthday. I was way beyond reasonably pleased with myself for doing it, because I was so afraid of it. I have been hopping here and there ever since, and thinking, "gee, sure is slow going, getting good at jumping."
I love to watch people roller skate almost as much as I love to skate. I always believe that if I watch it enough it will assimilate into my feet. Some of my favorite skating clips I have watched over and over. This one has absolutely revolutionized jumping for me.
The film is made by a skater known as Dirty Deborah Harry and she also speaks about critiquing one's form and efforts. What she says about negative self-talk is mighty important, and I was so happy to be invited to begin to stop thinking about myself as not brave enough. Sometimes, though, when you decide to stop being something or another, you have a little trouble choosing what you will be instead. There's a little void there and it seems to need filling. My top choices to be, instead of fearful, are plucky, valorous, spunky, spirited, and dashing. The idea here is that if I fill in the space that fearful leaves with one of these other adjectives, I won't end up with something that sneaks in, something like foolish, rash, or rock-stupid.
All of the Dirty School of Skate videos are very good; if you aren't already watching them, I hope you will try them.