Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I know why.


Free pattern here.

Dear Friends,

I know why you come here, I know how you get here, and I know that you don't mean to do it.

You have a long list of things that need to be done on this here computer-  decisions on accommodations, responses to emails, research on projects, difficult choices on what to buy and where to go, and when looking at a list like that, you think, oh, well, yes all this important stuff to do, of course, but first let's just take a minute to look at....

And then you are here, for a few minutes anyway.  It's like stopping by the bar on the way home for a quick beer, isn't it?

And I want to give you something that will get you through until tomorrow, at least; something nutritive, but of course, your eyes and mind are not really wanting that; they'd be happy with a hypnotizing blur of color and a two second long game in which you 'win.'  Winning is everything in the mind.  And completing.  Attaining, acquiring.  But, in the bar, in the windowless cool of the bar, what do we have?  We have people going nowhere, really.  They are making some jokes, maybe, they are eating some salty snacks, maybe.  They are saying how their day was hard, and there is some sympathy here, that's sure.  The beer alone understands more than most, so it's a soft place, a dim place, an unhurried place.  The air, even, might be quite still.  There might be some noisy recorded music, ubiquitous sports screen, and their might be a party of loud revelers, but it is often easier to be silent when others are yakking, isn't it?  No one will notice if you are quietly communing with your beverage.

I'd like to imagine the Dodo pages are the kind of bar I have been in, in England; not too many people in it, not too much noise, pretty dark, pretty womb like.  Familiar, safe, and hopefully, a little comforting, a little meditative. 

In the relic tv detective shows I watch, the detectives often say that they 'don't think anything,' that thinking is a road to serious error.  They observe, these detectives, they do not think. Let's do that, then, also, in our imaginary blog bar with our imaginary beer.  Until we next meet, g'night, Sam!

PS  Yes, I am leaving that 'in in' in.  (Ring the bell!  Three ins!) I actually love a that that, too.  I put the comma in just to be kind. 

PPS  I checked with the editing department here at the Dodo, and they said that, that that was a presentation at the end of a doohickey and it was to be avoided.  Kind of like that list of things you 'ought' to be doing instead of looking at the internet.