Dear Besprinkled,
I hope, wherever you are, you are enjoying a damp, wet, rainy, and/or snowy winter. Here at the Dodo, we are very satisfied with the mud and the dripping, and this water dropletting reminds me to show you this.
Remarkable, no? To accompany this marvel of the natural world, a poem by William Carlos Williams:
As the rain fallsso doesyour lovebathe everyopenobject of the world--In housesthe priceless dryroomsof illicit lovewhere we livehear the wash of therain--Therepaintingsand finemetalwarewoven stuffs--all the whorishnessof ourdelightseesfrom its windowthe spring washof your lovethe fallingrain--The treesare becomebeasts fresh-risenfrom the sea--watertricklesfrom the crevices oftheir hides--So my life is spentto keep out lovewith whichshe rains uponthe worldof springdripsso spreadsthe wordsfar apart to let inher loveAnd running in betweenthe dropsthe rainis a kind physicianthe rainof her thoughts overthe oceaneverywherewalking withinvisible swift feetoverthe helplesswaves--Unworldly lovethat has no hopeof the worldand thatcannot change the worldto its delight--The rainfalls upon the earthand grass and flowerscomeperfectlyinto form from itsliquidclearnessBut love isunworldlyand nothingcomes of it but lovefollowingand falling endlesslyfromher thoughts